Adapting workspaces: measures to be implemented post-lockdown /
Employees’ return to work will have to be accompanied by strict measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

Social distancing rules
Following are recommendations for ways to avoid physical contact at the workplace:
Redesign offices to ensure a distance of at least 1 meter between employees, in accordance with the recommendations of the government and the World Health Organization (WHO), i.e. 4 m2 without contact around each person. At Allure Smartdesign, we recommend a distance of 2 meters, which is also the advice of the American health authorities, in particular the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), or 8 m2 without contact around each person. Companies based in the United States could introduce this standard internally.
«Additionally, any employee with symptoms of Covid-19 should be sent home. Employers are required to inform all people who have been in contact with the employee who has had symptoms. »
Katia Bourgeais Crémel,
Directrice Marketing et Communication, ISS France
Compliance with barrier measures
Barrier measures are also essential for preventing the spread of the virus.
Following are our barrier measure recommendations:
- Provide soap and single-use tissues in sufficient quantity
- Make disinfectant gel available to all employees
- Encourage employees to wear masks and provide them with masks if possible
- Post barrier measure instructions and explain how to use hand washing products
Use a disposable tissue and discard it / Wash hands frequently

Hygiene measures
Hygiene measures should also be increased. For companies, this means:
- Arranging for regular cleaning and disinfection of workspaces, especially surfaces that come into contact with hands
- Equipping cleaning staff with disposable smocks and household gloves
- Promoting wet washing and disinfection
- Making garbage bags available
- Ensuring proper waste management
- Ensuring adequate climate control and ventilation
- Leaving doors open or activating automatic opening to limit contact
- Ventilating closed rooms regularly (every three hours), for at least 15 minutes each time
Advise people to cough or sneeze into their elbow or a tissue / Greet others without shaking hands, avoiding hugs and kisses

Specific equipment can facilitate social distancing, compliance with barrier measures and good hygiene at the workplace. These include:
- Partitions between office spaces, such as Plexiglas or polycarbonate dividers.
- Hydroalcoholic gel distribution devices such as An’gel and disinfection stations.
- Furnishings with antibacterial coating.

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