CORENET Global Summit EMEA Berlin 2024: Allure’s 4 key insights

The CORENET Global EMEA Summit in Berlin brought together corporate real estate leaders to reflect on recent changes in the workplace industry and explore solutions for the future. Focusing on people-centric decision-making, the event highlighted topics such as technological innovation, sustainability, employee experience, and the impact of AI on workplace strategies. After attending the summit, Kenny Burgess and Henri Bernabé, Associates in Client Advisory at Allure identified 4 key insights and solutions to help CRE teams move forward.

This becomes possible thanks to what is called “machine learning”: algorithms get exposed, over time, to wide amounts of data which they intake and process and which train the algorithm to recognize similar data in the future, improving the machine’s performance.

As a result, machines can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence and human creativity such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation.

1. Facing economic uncertainty complicates strategic planning

In fluctuating markets and a volatile global context, corporate real estate leaders are concerned about the difficulty of making informed decisions. The unpredictability of the economy has made it challenging for companies to commit to long-term strategies, as they seek reliable data and insights to guide their actions. This hesitation is not just about financial investments but also about aligning real estate decisions with future business needs.

In this context, a global perspective becomes necessary. Companies like Allure, with an extensive experience across various industries and countries, offer valuable knowledge about market trends and best practices. By having access to insights from many sectors’ real estate practices such as finance and technology, organizations can make more informed decisions. Henri Bernabé, Client Advisor at Allure, explains, “Our team of experts helps clients understand what peers and competitors are doing, providing a broader context to better evaluate their options. We tailor solutions to each company’s unique identity and future needs, ensuring that decisions are both strategic and resilient.”

2. Enhancing workplace appeal to bring employees back

As hybrid work models become the norm, many organizations across Europe are facing the reality of underutilized offices. Now that companies have settled into new hybrid rhythms, empty offices show a deeper issue: the need to make workplaces worth returning to. The challenge isn’t about physical presence anymore; it’s about creating environments that nurture engagement, collaboration, and create a sense of community.

Addressing this requires reinventing the office as a space that goes beyond functionality. Workplaces become spaces that enhance brand image and provide experiences that cannot be replicated remotely. Therefore, Allure works directly with CRE teams to pinpoint what truly matters: employees’ day to day needs—be it flexible spaces, wellness amenities, or technological integrations. This insight allows Allure to create offices that not only align with the company’s culture but also contribute to employees’ wellbeing. Such environments motivate employees to return, as they feel more connected and valued within their workplace.

3. Centralized decision-making with local expertise

For companies expanding globally, managing a diverse real estate portfolio presents complex challenges. Worldwide organizations show a strong desire for a unified workplace strategy that maintains consistency across all locations. However, centralized teams often struggle with local regulations, cultural nuances, and specific market conditions. Bridging this gap requires a deep understanding of regional markets combined with the ability to implement global strategies effectively.

“We offer strong expertise in European corporate real estate,” shares Kenny Burgess, Client Advisor at Allure. “Our goal is to enable companies to maintain a centralized approach without sacrificing local relevance by providing a single point of contact with comprehensive knowledge of different countries’ needs.” By combining centralized decision-making with localized insights, Allure ensures that global strategies are adapted appropriately for each region. This approach simplifies processes, reduces inefficiencies, and allows companies to respond to global market changes while respecting local customs and regulations.

4. Securing prime locations to attract and retain talent

In today’s competitive business environment, the importance of office location has been amplified. Setting up offices in prime areas is essential not only for operational efficiency and client accessibility but also for attracting and retaining top talent. The right location enhances brand image, offers better amenities, and can be a decisive factor for employees when choosing where to work.

With a network of trusted partners across Europe, Allure advises organizations in identifying and securing the best locations for their offices. Engaging early in the project allows for better alignment with the client’s vision and specific needs. Allure’s ecosystem provides insights into market trends and property opportunities, ensuring companies can make informed decisions that support their objectives. By positioning themselves in locations that offer the greatest potential for growth and employee satisfaction, companies can strengthen their competitive edge.

More Insights


Around the world, corporate real estate has been going through massive shifts for the past decade. In this context, having a partner who understands both global trends and regional markets is essential. With a proven track record across various industries and a deep

understanding of Europe’s diverse markets, Allure is uniquely positioned to help organizations not only adapt to current challenges but also anticipate future opportunities. By working with Allure, companies gain access to a team dedicated to creating workplaces that inspire employees, optimize operations, and drive success.

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